How To Plan Your Next Vacation

June 15, 2020

How To Plan Your Next Vacation

Vacations are an important part of life as you move forward in your life. We all can collectively agree that a break is much needed in the course of a hectic schedule. A break from life, makes us realise how essential it was and how much we needed it in the first place. Through travelling, we enhance ourselves and stimulate growth. It changes the way we look at things, doesn't matter how small the trip is. You learn about yourself more, mature from the person you were yesterday and also learn how to plan. That is why today we bring to you a guide on how to travel your next big trip.  

Decide where you want to go

The first step to planning your next vacation is to decide where you want to vacation. Are you in the mood for some snow or do you want to tan under the sun or maybe, you just want to visit the rain forests. The destinations of travel are endless but you will have to decide which destination will suit your travel bug first.

Decide how many people are going or not

The next step is to figure out if you want this holiday to be a crowded one or special self time. Travelling solo is definitely an ideal option because you don't have to worry about an itinerary or a schedule, you just go where the wind blows. Travelling in a group also has its advantages. You get to spend time with your loved ones and the work of planning a trip is not entirely on one person. However, no matter what you choose, you will be making memories either way.


Third step in the guide to planning a trip is to decide the duration of the entire trip. Decide which time of the year is most suitable for you to travel. Make sure to ask for a leave from your office in advance to make things less complicated for you. Deciding a time period also helps you to plan your finances.


A very crucial next step is to decide your budget which includes the type of travel means, the hotels, the food, the entry fees to some places etc. It’s a wide spectrum which includes anything you spend your finances on. Travelling is a big deal when it comes to our pockets. It is expensive but along the way, you can make some smart choices to save up. For example- if your entire travel costs $100 (hypothetically) but by making some money-saving choices such as choosing to live in an Airbnb instead of a hotel or a hostel, using public transportation instead of renting a car or a taxi are all smart choices which can bring down your costs by $20 or more.

Travel Insurance

This is extremely important for you to have when you’re travelling. It doesn't matter where you go, places for accidents to happen are endless. I apologise in advance for scaring you but it's the reality. You could get hurt any time, unfortunately which is what makes travel insurance so important. To be insured is truly the safest option.

Booking your accommodation

As I have mentioned before, hotels aren't the most necessary mode of accommodations. If you are planning to stay in a place for a certain time, research well about the accommodation facilities. This includes hotels, Airbnb, hostels, private guest houses offered by locals and many more. Once you research well and decide where you want to stay, make sure you check their reviews because no matter how good it looks on the outside, nothing is more assuring than a person who previously stayed in the selected choice of abode, informing you about the place.

Travel requirements

Research very well about the travel requirements such as visa and passport of the place you’re going to. If you need a visa or not, is your passport renewed or about to expire. Take care of any country- required specifics. There are some which even check if you have certain vaccines. Therefore, this is a major step and of utmost importance.

Stay motivated

While planning a trip, you might lose the drive to go on further after coming to a road block. There is a certain zeal you need to maintain, no matter what while planning a trip, which is why it's important to never lose sight of your goal and your dreams. If you do, that’s okay as well, just remember how badly you want to travel and how it could potentially be the best time of your life.

Pack well

Last and a very stressful step, PACK WELL. Don’t forget your toothbrush, your medicines, the type of clothing required for the weather of the place you’re travelling to. Make a list of requirements and check the boxes as you pack. It’s the little details which make the process of travelling so memorable and potentially life-changing.

If you happen to be travelling to Bangalore, please do come visit us here at Le Roma Gardenia! We would love to host you and make your vacation even better. Visit our website for more details .

Le Roma

Live by the motto that any day can be my last